Our School
by Bertha Brooks
Yorba Linda Women’s Club, February 1913
Of course, one of the first questions one is sure to ask when entering a new community what are the school advantages? The closest school was Olinda, but the agents have been very positive in their statements, that a new building would be erected on the tract for the year of 1910 and 1911 but this remained to be proven.
It was once said that the Janss Co. would erect a building which the district could buy when the new district was formed.
Miss Gladys Conley, the only pupil on the tract then in school did her last year’s work in the grammar school at Olinda in the year of 1909 and 1910 and then entered High School in Fullerton.
Having secured the required number of signers to a petition of the formation of a new school district, our hopes were high in the prospect for a school for the year 1910 and 1911. Mr. Brooks made a special trip to Santa Ana with the petition to be sure everything was alright. Mr. R. P. Mitchell, Co. Supt. was not in but the Assistant was, and said it was alright, but imagine our surprise when in a few days, we received the following communication from Mr. Mitchell—
Feb. 1, 1911
Mr. Nathan T. Brooks,
Fullerton, Calif.
Dear Sir:
I have your petition for the formation of a new school district, but I am sorry to say that I can not possibly get this petition through this year for lack of time.
The last meeting of the supervisors before the 10th is on the 8th of February. The law requires that I must give a seven day notice to the trustees of the other districts. This would allow me time enough providing I could get those notices out today, but I have agreed to do work in Anaheim today, then again your petition is not sworn to neither does it contain the description of the boundary of your district making it impossible to consummate the formation of the district this year.
Very truly,
- P. Mitchell
Our hopes were ruined again. During this time-the year of 1910-1911, Furnas Trueblood, Edwin, Mary and Gertrude Brooks had trudged the whole three miles each day to Olinda to school.
By the end of the year, there being enough pupils to compel a school, we again appealed to our Co. Supt. Again imagine our surprise when this letter was received—
June 13, 1911
Mr. N. T. Brooks
Fullerton, Calif.
Dear Sir:
I have your letter inviting me to be present at a district meeting to be held at Yorba Linda on Sunday, June 18th at 2 P.M. I could be with you on that date, but I hardly think that it will be necessary for me to come since we cannot possibly open a school for this coming year.
The earliest possible date that we can legally organize and open a public school at Yorba Linda will be September, 1912. I am sending you a blank petition for you to fill out and return to me as soon as convenient after October 1, 1911. It is too bad that I did not receive the petition last year in time to file it with the supervisors so that it could be heard before February 10th.
If the people in your district wish to open school in September 1911 they will have to maintain a private school supported by private subscriptions.
If you still think that I can be of any service to the people and your neighborhood on Next Sunday call me up by `phone at my expense and I will come.
Very truly,
- P. Mitchell
The reply to his letter was just as firm and decisive as the letter itself, saying that Los Angeles County provided for such conditions and either the County Superintendent was wrong in his decision or the writer had been wrongly informed. Mr. Mitchell said, “when he read that reply, he felt as if a bear had hold of him and if that was the kind of people they had at Yorba Linda, he had better get busy.”—from then on, he did all we could ask to help us.
He presented the matter to the trustees at Olinda and they gladly provided all for us for the year 1911 & 1912, if we would furnish a building. They thought it would be cheaper and more satisfactory to all concerned to furnish a teacher for us than to furnish wagons to transport the children to and from Olinda. Miss Amanda Longenecker with Miss Talbot, and the principal at Olinda was hired. She had all the grades.
To talk over a building for school purposes all who were interested were asked to meet at Conley’s Hay Barn, later known as Casa Loma at that time the public place for all meetings. The work done there resulted in the accompanying subscription list:-
A subscription for the purpose of erecting in Yorba Linda a school building for the school year of 1911 & 1912.
The proceeds resulting from the sale of said building, when a permanent building is constructed is to go to a fund for a school library.
- T. Brooks Fullerton R. R. 2 $15.00
- F. Quigley Fullerton R. R. 25.00
- M. Quigley Fullerton R. R. 25.00
- A. Quigley Fullerton R. R. 25.00
- Dungey, 1 day with team.
- E. Trueblood Fullerton R. R. 210.00
Mrs. E. Todenhaupt Fullerton R. R. 22.50
- L. Drews Fullerton R. R. 23.50
- E. White Whittier, Calif. 5.00
- U. Gage Fullerton R. R. 25.00
- H. Corbit Fullerton R. R. 25.00
- A. Bridge 823 E. 20th St. L. A. 5.00
- S. Bemis Whittier, Calif. 5.00
- L Page Yorba Linda 15.00
- A. Bridge Los Angeles 5.00
- S. Todd Whittier 5.00
Janss Co. Los Angeles 50.00
- C. Fricke Jr. Yorba Linda 5.00
- Vernon Yorba Linda 5.00
Plummer Stewart Yorba Linda 5.00
Arthur Davignon Richfield Day’s work on building
Sidney Lavont Richfield 2.50
Paul Dahlitz Richfield 2.50
Geo. W. Isaac 2.50
- J. Vanstrum 2.50
- P. Turner 2.50
S G. R. Stone & Co. 25.00
Arthur Staley 2.50
Roy Turner 2 day’s work
- J. Carter 5.00
- F. Conley 5.00
- H. MacGinnis 5.00
Geo. Jones 5.00
- A. Hanson 2.50
Stern & Goodman 30.00
Roy Page 10.00
Joe Dobashi 5.00
- H. Arnold 5.00
Mr. Pickering 4 loads of lumber hauled
Mr. Dungey 2 loads of lumber hauled
Mr. Turner hauled terra cotta and lumber
Mr. Bosworth hauled seats, windows, door, lumber
Mr. N. H. De Berry 1 day hauling gravel from door yard
During the year of 1911 & 1912 the new Yorba Linda School District was formed, and bonds for $10,000 were voted for a school building. Co. Supt. had selected H. P. Turner, N. T. Brooks, and Plummer Stewart as the temporary school board.
These bonds had been sold to a Los Angeles firm and plans for a brick building had been accepted from an architect when it was found out that the taxable valuation of Yorba Linda was not sufficient to vote such large bonds. Another halt in our plans and work to be done over again. So another election was held and bonds for $8,000 were voted which now show results.
In the spring election the following trustees were elected.
- R. West for 3 years.
- P. Turner for 2 years.
- W. Quigley for 1 year.
In the fall of 1912 the families of Walker, Shepperd, Welch, Shook, Rivers, Carter and Moore petitioned to join Yorba Linda district, which was granted.
The temporary building was ready all but placing the seats, for school Sep. 18, 1911. The Prin. Miss Talbert, being present as her school had been closed on account of diphtheria.
All were anxious to see the new school building and get acquainted with each other so a social was given Oct. 13. A larger number were out. Refreshments of gingerbread, pumpkin pie and coffee were served.
Soon after a Box Supper was given which netted $12.00 toward the building fund.
This building was the birthplace of our school, a literary Society, Citrus Assoc. where it has since held its meetings and our Chamber of Commerce.
It was the public home of the Union Sunday School and church.
The lights were purchased with money left from Christmas subscriptions and what had been donated for wood for church services.
The building was bought by the trustees in the spring of 1912 and early in the year 1913 was again sold to Yorba Linda Water Co.
The number of pupils had increased so much by the time school opened for the year 1912 & 1913 that it was necessary to employ two teachers, a special tax having been voted to maintain the second teacher. Another building must be secured. Mr. M. A. Quigley provided the same, by putting two small buildings together that they had lived in, on J. M. Quigley’s property.
Mrs. Henrietta Compton and Miss Cora Marshburn, both residents of Yorba Linda were our teachers for the year 1912 & 1913.
A Parent Teacher’s Association was organized Sep. 20, 1912 at the beginning of this year, with a membership of fourteen.
School closed with commencement exercises, June, 17, 1913
Homer Bemis and Marion Oliver were the graduates, Furnas Trueblood was given a place on the program as he finished the grammar school the year before, while we were yet a part of Olinda district.
Interesting items.
- E. Trueblood, was so afflicted with boils on his right arm that he could not work, as he had planned, on this building. He was overseer of Furnas Trueblood and Edwin Brooks in making the out buildings, and did all the painting with his left hand. These boys prepared and painted the flag pole with a little help from their elders.
One little boy was so interest in nailing on siding that he nailed the leg of overalls fast, not having time to loosen the nail, he took his pocket knife and cut himself loose—that blue scrap can still be seen in the building to-day.
The first site given by the Janss Co. was lots 101, 102, 103, 104 where the Friend’s Church now stands, but both parties seemed to feel better satisfied, if they could exchange sites, so through Mr. Brooks and Mr. Stewart the change was made, and we now have the ground on which our buildings now stand.
The building was given to contractor Mr. La Rue of Los Angeles for $5870.00. Some local men were employed in the work on the building.
Tuttle & Hopkins were the architects.
Fred Quigley had the contract for preparing the lots for the building. He was assisted by his brother Merlin Quigley, also Mr. Hummel.
Mrs. Bertha Brooks
Chairman of History Com.
Feb. 22, 1913
For further data and information consult the school records.
The teachers for the year 1913 and 1914 were
Principal-Mrs. Compton
Intermediate-Miss Edith Bemis
Primary-Miss Dessie Jepson
A number of trees were planted on the grounds during this year. Apparatus was also installed on the playground.
Commencement exercises for this year were held June 20, 1914. The graduates were Howard Buckmaster, Walter Long, Lorena Vetter, Merlyle Rollins and Maria Walker.
At the spring election held April 3rd 1914, Mrs. Ada Shyrm was unanimously elected a member of the school board. To her belongs the honor of being the first woman chosen for that duty in Yorba Linda.
The teachers for the year 1914 and 1915 were
Principal- R. W. Jepson
Intermediate-Miss Edith Bemis
Primary-Miss Dessie Jepson
Teachers chosen for the years 1915-1916 are
Principal-Mrs. C. Payne
Intermediate-Miss Edith Bemis
Primary-Miss Dessie Jepson
At the spring election Mrs. C. C. Kingsman was chosen as a member of the school Board.