Study Room Guidelines
Use Requirements
• A valid Yorba Linda Public Library card, in good standing.
• Age limits: 14 years of age or older. Individuals under the age of 14 must be accompanied by someone 14 years or older.
• Business is not to be conducted in study rooms. Business includes, but is not limited to, paid or contractual services.
Reserving the Rooms
• Study rooms are available by reservation only for up to two (2) hours per day.
• Study rooms may be reserved online, in person, or by phone up to 3 days in advance.
• Up to two, 1-hour reservations OR one, 2-hour reservation is allowed per day. No more than 2 hours per day.
• Individuals present in any study room will also be considered to have used their allotment for the day.
• In order to confirm your study room use, you must check in with library staff before entering the room.
Reservation Periods
Up to two, 1-hour reservations or one, 2-hour reservation is allowed per individual, per day. Any individuals present in any study room during the use period will also be considered to have used their allotment for the day.
Study Room Occupancy
Occupancy is limited to a maximum number of people permitted per room as indicated by the fire code and as posted.
• Some study rooms are equipped with a TV and sound bar.
• Use of TV/sound bar require HDMI, VGA, and 3.5mm Audio Jack connectors, which must be supplied by the user.
• Please keep audio at a reasonable volume. Rooms are not soundproof.
Late Arrivals
• Reservations will be held for 15 minutes past the reserved start time.
• Arrival after 15 minutes may result in the room being made available to other individuals.
Unattended Study Rooms
• Rooms left unattended for 15 minutes or more are considered vacant and may be made available to other individuals.
• The Library is not responsible for items left unattended.
Condition of the Room
• Not permitted: taping or tacking materials to the room walls or windows; painting supplies or items that stain; food consumption.
• Do not remove and/or add additional seating.
• Rooms must be left in a neat, clean, and orderly condition.
• The library cardholder to whom a study room is checked out is liable for damage to the room. Vandalism will result in law enforcement action and all involved patrons being denied future access to study rooms.
Study Room FAQ