OverDrive has a large collection of eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming films compatible with most readers and players, as well as Android and iOS phones and tablets.
Flipster has a collection of downloadable magazines compatible with most devices, including android and ios phones and tablets.

Rosetta Stone offers the proven immersion method of language learning that more than 22,000 schools and 12,000 businesses have trusted for over the last 20+ years. The award-winning interactive approach has been used by millions of learners around the world and now is accessible in the library–or anywhere, anytime.
Freegal provides DRM-free .mp3 music files for over 7 million songs from 10 thousand music labels. Yorba Linda Public Library patrons are allowed to select and download 5 titles per week free of charge, and to stream music online for 3 hours per day.
Gale Virtual Reference Library provides trusted, authoritative reference works in electronic format for easy reading and searching online.
Open Library is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive, and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation.